love the name of this article, LOL... and the idea for your Oldster magazine. I was writing and interview people a few years ago on Wordpress, talking about aging from various points of views. it is hard to believe from the never trust anyone over 30 generation-Boomers, that I am approaching my 72nd birthday this month, who knew... numerous friends and peers have gone bye bye bye even my sweet dog 2 years ago... life happens... thanks.
love the name of this article, LOL... and the idea for your Oldster magazine. I was writing and interview people a few years ago on Wordpress, talking about aging from various points of views. it is hard to believe from the never trust anyone over 30 generation-Boomers, that I am approaching my 72nd birthday this month, who knew... numerous friends and peers have gone bye bye bye even my sweet dog 2 years ago... life happens... thanks.