It's worth pointing out that these perfectionist standards of fact checking and copy editing are remnants of an era when anything that was published went through a whole editorial process involving many sets of eyes. No one writer has ever been expected to be perfect -- a whole industry and apparatus was created to control for human error! Now that access to publishing platforms has been so radically leveled out, that apparatus just doesn't exist any more, save for in a few legacy outlets.

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That is a really good point, Martha. A whole safety net has been lost.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

What an honor to be quoted! I hope Silvia Federici won’t mind 😄 but seriously, she’s got her hands full with lecturing, research, and taking care of a fragile, elderly husband in a hard world (lots of reproductive work, as she’d say) so I forgive her just about anything, including taking exception with my pointing out a few typos. Peace!

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I bet she would understand! Thank you for your wisdom and your support, always. <3

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

14,500 subscribers? That’s awesome. This is also a great reminder to take a grammar police chill pill.

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Thank you, Jen, on both fronts. <3

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Well, I stand by your stipulation of the correct pronunciation of nuclear. 😂 the artist who made that t-shirt is my hero for writing that back to your request to change it! 🫶🏽

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Also, I should say: in both my former blog and former Instagram handle, typos were accidentally baked in. When I realized this, I was pretty ashamed and horrified. And then, I thought, “welp, this is who I am - mistake-riddled and whole; beautiful and trying.”

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