So sorry for this crazy making situation you endured. The big question I have is as nonfiction writers, how do we best protect ourselves from this kind of horror?

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That's my question, too. When we rely on our journals - as old as they might be - to write from a place of truth, how would that be interpreted in court?

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What a horrible situation, I am sorry for what you have been through Sari!

Lately, I have been thinking about this too, in the wake of the amount of personal data that's out there on the internet (if you care to look for it, you'd be shocked), what AI can do with the data, how much involuntary surveillance is out there, and the list goes on. There is really no real privacy left. The risk we as writers have to take for being authentic, being vulnerable, and being brave is looming above us and getting ever so real, which sometimes really makes me think twice before I write anything, anywhere.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

What the FUCK. I didn't know that was a possibility. I even get uncomfortable when people's journals are published posthumously unless the person gave explicit permission.

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Just joined this Substack (altho I follow you on your other ones)- question: how did they know you kept a journal and that the journal would be relevant to the case?? I’ve also journaled forever and this is truly the most heinous invasion of privacy I’ve ever heard of! So sorry this happened to you - including a pitbull at your door.

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Thank you, Cheryl. I was interviewed by NY Magazine about the case, and that led to a subpoena of all my correspondence with the person. In one of my emails, I mentioned a journal entry, and that led to the subpoena of the journal.

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I am terribly sorry about this. It should not happen.

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Nightmare fuel!! So sorry this happened, glad it wasn’t worse

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Can’t believe this happened. So sorry it did.

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Thank you. It truly sucked...

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

-- From one GOOD FIGHT woman to another -- I feel sorry for you & wish you can have a coffee w/ Ms. Lockhart eventually, so you can feel re-energized 🙌🏻 ! Xo.

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Thank you!

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Wow that’s intense. I thought if names were changed etc it would be fine. Now you got me wondering 💭 I caught a man talking to my mother through the Telecare system illegally. I reported it immediately and the call centre said no alarm had been activated. I know what I heard and demanded an investigation. I was later threatened by someone saying they knew all about me in Hong Kong. I was totally shocked. Ever since escalating my complaint I have been harassed and called crazy. I’m stuck in some weird dystopian nightmare and am still trying to get my head around it all. Stay strong. Glad it worked out in the end for you, but still, that’s kind of scary 😧

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NEW FEAR UNLOCKED. So sorry you went through this Sari!!!

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Thank you! Yes, before this I had not idea it was something to fear...

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Hi. It's my first day on Substack. Someone I follow recommended you. I'm a nonfiction writer. You lived one of my nightmares. I'm sorry.

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That is so upsetting. I'm really sorry you had to go through this.

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Oh, god, Sari, what a horrifying situation! I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this disgusting invasion of your privacy, given how careful you were in your memoir not to expose others. Ugh. I’m glad things are moving in a better direction now - and hope they keep going that way. All good thoughts to you (and plenty of white light!).

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Omg. How awful for you, Sari. I'm sorry this happened--and yes, I'd feel hexed too.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

I'm so sorry Sari. What an absolute nightmare.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

This happened to a girlfriend of mine in a custody case and it was horrific to watch.

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Oh, that sounds like a nightmare. <3

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

So glad this particular situation has been resolved and that you are experiencing some relief.

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Thanks, Steph. <3

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